Instructions to authors regarding Abstract Submissions
Please follow all instructions for formatting and submission.
Abstracts are restricted to 250 words. Please stipulate a preference for oral or poster presentation but the final decision about presentation format will be made by the Scientific Committee.
The deadline for abstract submission is 31st March 2013. Receipt of your abstract will be acknowledged.
Please indicate if you wish to be considered for the MSA Award or MSA-Astra Zeneca Young Investigator Award. Please note that an abstract can be submitted for one prize session only. Details of eligibility for these prizes are set out here. Abstracts submitted for the Young Investigator Award or MSA Award which are not selected will be considered for poster presentations.
All presenting authors must register for the Conference. All accepted abstracts will be published in the ASEAN Journal of Anaesthesiology (AJA). To ensure publication in the ASEAN Journal of Anaesthesiology (AJA), the abstract should be received no later than 31st March 2013. |